Campus view of educational institution in Panipat

Job Oriented Professional Programs after 12th

The tendency of students in modern times is proof of the fact that they want to learn and explore their academic division to the fullest. Geeta University fulfills that aspiration by offering various postgraduate programs in Engineering, Management, Computing, Hospitality Management, Legal studies, Journalism & Mass communication, etc. Experienced faculty, state-of-the-art facilities, high-end laboratories, and practical and research-oriented teaching-learning process are the USPs of Geeta University which makes it a preferred destination for the students for pursuing their dream. You walk into the campus with a lot of dreams & aspirations and Geeta University makes them come true with its extensive student-centric approach and cooperative management. The creative and unique programs at Geeta University keep our students a step ahead of others in terms of an assured professionally bright career ahead.

Programme Name Fee Per Sem Tuition Fee Per Sem Duration (years)
B. Tech. CSE 79,000 59,000 4
B. Tech. CSE (Hons.) AIML in collaboration with 89,000 67,000 4
B. Tech. CSE (Hons.) Cyber Security 89,000 67,000 4
B. Tech. CSE (Hons.) Data Sciences & Business Analytics 89,000 67,000 4
B. Tech. CSE (Hons.) Full Stack Web Development 89,000 67,000 4
BCA 45,000 34,000 3
BCA (Hons.) AIML in collaboration with 55,000 41,000 3/4
BCA (Hons.) Cyber Security 55,000 41,000 3/4
BCA (Hons.) Data Sciences & Business Analytics 55,000 41,000 3/4
BCA (Hons.) Full Stack Web Development 55,000 41,000 3/4
B.Sc. IT (Hons.) 45,000 34,000 3/4
B.Com. 40,000 30,000 3
B.Com. (Hons.) Auditing & Taxation 49,000 37,000 3/4
B.Com. (Hons.) Financial Market 49,000 37,000 3/4
B.Com. (Hons.) Banking & Insurance 49,000 37,000 3/4
B.Com. (Hons.) Advanced Accounting 49,000 37,000 3/4
B.Com. (Hons.) International Accounting in collaboration with ACCA, UK 56,000 42,000 3/4
BBA 49,000 37,000 3
BBA (Hons.) International Accounting in collaboration with ACCA, UK 62,000 46,000 3/4
BBA (Hons.) Digital Marketing 55,000 41,000 3/4
BBA (Hons.) Human Resource Management 55,000 41,000 3/4
BBA (Hons.) Import & Export Management 55,000 41,000 3/4
BBA (Hons.) Banking & Finance 55,000 41,000 3/4
BBA (Hons.) Marketing 55,000 41,000 3/4
BBA (Hons.) Entrepreneurship & Family Business 55,000 41,000 3/4
BBA (Hons.) Fintech 55,000 41,000 3/4
BBA (Hons.) Artificial Intelligence & Data Analytics in collaboration with 59,000 44,000 3/4
D. Pharm. 42,500 32,500 2
B. Pharm. 65,000 49,000 4
B.Sc. Agriculture (Hons.) 62,500 46,500 3/4
B.Sc. Forensic Sciences (Hons.) 55,000 41,000 3/4
B.Sc. (Hons.) Hotel Management 50,000 37,000 3/4
B.Sc. (Hons.) Nutrition & Dietetics 40,000 30,000 3/4
B.A. (Hons.) Economics 40,000 30,000 3/4
B.A. (Hons.) Political Science 40,000 30,000 3/4
B.A. (Hons.) Psychology 40,000 30,000 3/4
B.A. LLB. (Hons.) 99,000 74,000 5
BBA LL.B. (Hons.) 99,000 74,000 5
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